Half-Decker to Cabin Yacht with a Conversion Course
Fancy a change from your smaller boat but don’t have the confidence to try a cabin yacht? If you’re normally a dinghy or half-decker sailor, we know changing from the smaller half-deckers to the much larger cabin yachts can feel a little overwhelming for some people. We can help you understand our cabin yachts and gain the confidence to give them a try.
Our non RYA course has been designed to help you convert from the smaller half-deckers to the larger, heavier cabin boats
This, non RYA, course has been designed to help experienced dinghy or half decker sailors convert to sailing bigger, heavier yachts. The course is run on our gaff-rigged, cabin yachts fitted with self-tacking jibs. The course is specifically designed to teach you how to competently manage such a yacht on the narrow rivers of the Norfolk Broads.
The syllabus below is taken over a day and can be tailored to help you in other areas too if required.
The day runs from approximately 9am until 4:30pm or times mutually agreed with your instructor.
Students should have a reasonable level of experience gained on dinghies, half-deckers or coastal yachts.
This is not an RYA Certificated course.
Only £130 per person
If you’re not sure what you’d like to do or how to do it, give us a call and we’ll help you get the best out of your visit with us.